Monday, March 11, 2013

Silent Suffering

I had been patiently waiting for what seemed like an eternity, watching as the lights in the house gradually cut off; first in the childs bedroom, then the living room and kitchen, and finally the master bedroom. I knew the routine by now. I had been studying her for a week and very little ever changed.

I knew that in about 15 minutes she would come back out of the bedroom and sit down at her computer. She took the time after her husband dozed off to explore her darker fantasies on the internet, and that was what I was waiting for. When she logged on tonight, I intended to show her just how dangerous those dark fantasies could get. My breathing and my groin both got a little harder at the thought. I was going to show that little tease what real pain was all about.

I lost myself in my own dark fantasies while I stared through my binoculars, waiting for the dim glow of the computer monitor to highlight her face. I knew it would only be a matter of time before she was flushed and sweating, squirming in her chair and wishing her vanilla husband would come out and punish her for all the nasty, perverted things she was reading about... fantasizing about doing with him.

But that was her problem. He was vanilla and she so wanted cinnamon or ginger or even just strawberry. I was planning on something way past cinnamon.

The tell-tale glow of the monitor summoned me back from my daydreaming. I watched as she logged in to her favorite site and began to check her mail. It didn't take her long to open the one from me. I'd kept her entertained for quite some time with charming innuendo and subtle flirtation and she had gone so far as to tell me she touched herself sometimes while she read my notes to her. Tonight that wasn't going to be necessary.

I got out of my car, grabbed my bag off the passenger seat and closed the door quietly. If I timed things right, this was going to be the most amazing night of her life. Even if my timing was off, it would definitely be memorable for her. Right now she should be reading the erotic story I sent her describing exactly how I was stalking her and how I was going to break into her house and have her while her husband and son slept on, unaware of what we were doing only a few dozen yards away.

I crept quietly around the house to the back door, hoping she was enjoying all the tension in the story and knowing it was building up her frustration. I pulled my homemade lockpicks out of the pocket of my backpack and cracked the deadbolt in less than a minute. It always amuses me how safe people think they are behind a tumbler and a few springs.

I turned the knob and slipped inside and listened for a moment. The only thing I heard was the distinctive tap tap tap of a computer keyboard. It couldn't be any more perfect.

I tucked my lockpicks back into my bag and then slipped my black handled straight razor from my pocket. With a gentle flick, I opened it and held it so the edge glimmered in the faint moonlight creeping in through the door behind me. The fun was about to begin.

I moved slowly across the kitchen and around the corner to find myself standing right behind her as she gazed intently at the computer, completely oblivious to my presence. I could read the tension in her body even by the dim light of her computer screen and I could hear her rapid breathing. Something was certainly stimulating the poor girls imagination to say the least. I couldn't help but smile wickedly as I slid up behind her.

I held the straight razor out wide to her left and struck like a viper, wrapping my free right arm around her throat, nestling her trachea in the crook of my elbow. In the shock of the moment she gasped and I flexed my muscles against her, cutting her off before the whisper of sound could become a scream. Then I moved my razor into her line of sight.

"You really don't want to make any noise," I whispered into her ear, through her shoulder length brown hair. "And fighting me probably isn't the best idea either. After all, I'm just here to give you what you've been asking for."

She whimpered... such a sweet sound. I felt myself getting hard.

"We're going to play some games, you and I, and I think you're going to enjoy them. You like games, don't you?"

Again, the sweet little whimper, but this time it was accompanied by a nod. I looked down over her shoulder and saw that her nipples were sticking straight out under her white T-shirt. There was no doubt that she was enjoying the fear. I rested the back of my razor on her collar bone and slid it down her breast, over her erect nipple. I got the shiver I was hoping for.

"As long as you don't make any noise, I won't do any irreperable harm. Do you understand? You're going to live up to your nickname and suffer in silence."

Another nod.

"Good girl. I think we should go outside. It is a nice warm evening, after all and I doubt anyone will see us way out here in the country. Now stand up and lets go have some fun."

Slowly, unsteadily, she rose to her feet. I understood... after the initial adrenaline rush, it was no surprise her legs were a little jell-o like. I wasn't in a particular hurry anyway. Besides... the taste of fear on her was so sweet it was worth a little patience.

I released my arm from around her neck and placed a gentle had in the middle of her back and gave her a gentle shove towards the door. If she only knew what was coming next, I doubt her legs would have carried her all the way on her own.

She stepped out into the humid Georgia night air with me practically breathing down her neck. The smell of her... fear, shampoo and desire, was poetry to me. I was about to wash away the vanilla in her and show her how liberating that fear and desire could be.

Again, I pressed my hand into the small of her back and guided her to an open spot on the lawn.

We stopped and I dropped the bag from my shoulder and handed it to her.
"Take out the blanket and spread it on the ground, then stand in the middle, facing away from me. And remember... you suffer in silence tonight."

She did as she was told, but I could see the glimmering trails of tears down her face in the moonlight. It warmed my heart and my groin to see what turmoil she was in. Finally the fantasy she had wished for was hers, but she was unsure if she could pay the full price. The two most beautiful things in the world are a woman full of confidence and a woman full of doubt.
After admiring the curves of her body and her thick brown hair for a few moments I decided it was time. With a violence born purely to inspire fear, I strode forward and grabbed her hair at the nape of her neck, pulling up to make it hurt as much as possible.

I leaned down to speak directly into her ear to make sure she would hear me over the turmoil of her own thoughts. "I'm not going to tell you not to be afraid. I'm going to hurt you. I'm going to hurt you a lot... but I'm not going to break you. I want there to be enough of you left to beg for more later."

I let go of her hair and took a half step back to give myself a little room to work. With a deft flip of the wrist, I settled the haft of my razor comfortably between my thumb and middle finger of my right hand and lifted the tail of her T-shirt with my left. I gently dragged the flat of the blade sideways across her back, just above the waistline of her panties, letting the cold kiss of steel tell her exactly what was happening behind her back. She shivered again, and moaned deep in her throat, a sound full of despair and longing. She was already losing herself to me.

I pulled the blade back from her skin and dropped the tail of the shirt. Then I put the cutting edge against the cloth, just below her collar and pulled gently down her spine... delighting in the look and feel of the fabric parting as if it were being unzipped and knowing that I could do the same to her flesh if I wanted to.

Once her shirt was open from collar to tail, I carefully folded my blade away and reached into the pack lying on the ground at my feet. It took only a few moments of groping in the darkness for me to find the familiar leather handle of my whip. I smiled as I lifted the cat o' nine and combed my fingers through the tails to make sure they hadn't tangled.

I settled the whip across my shoulders for a moment as I grabbed the collar of her abused shirt and yanked viciously, tearing the last bit of cloth apart and choking her at the same time. I held the pressure for a few moments, my elbows and forearms pressed into her back, bracing her against the pressure at her throat. I could almost feel her pulse pick up as she realized how little stood between her and darkness. I chuckled to myself as I released her collar. She was going to be an absolute delight to play with.

"Take those rags off," I growled, knowing she was struggling to regain herself. "Your bra, too."
She fumbled with the shirt, trying to pull it over her head, not realizing in her muddled state that wasn't necessary. Laughing heartily I walked in front of her and grabbed the front of the shirt and pulled it clear of her body. She shivered as she felt how exposed she was to the night air... and to me.

I walked around behind her again and undid the clasp on her bra then shoved the straps down from her shoulders. She let gravity take its course and the bra fell to the ground to land atop her ruined shirt. At last I had a naked canvas before me, prepared to accept whatever I chose to create... or destroy.

I wrapped my fingers firmly around the handle of my whip and dragged the tails slowly across my neck, savoring the kiss of leather on my skin, knowing that same leather was about to taste other flesh entirely. I measured the distance between myself and the woman carefully and a sadistic smile lit my eyes as I drew back my arm to deliver the first blow. Hopefully the first of many.

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